EANGUS Legislative Update 2016-01

EANGUS Legislative Update 2016-01

Uncategorized EANGUS staff meets with Representative Wittman (R-VA) On Thursday, January 7, met Representative Rob Wittman (R-TX) at the Fleet Reserve Association’s National Office. Representative Wittman is a member of the House Armed Services Committee and chairs the powerful...
Guard Suicides Up in Latest Report

Guard Suicides Up in Latest Report

Uncategorized “Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem that doesn’t end the chances of life getting worse, it eliminates the possibility of it ever getting any better.” Statistically, we will see 90+ of our Brothers and Sisters in Arms make the wrong decision in the...
TRICARE Reserve Select

TRICARE Reserve Select

Uncategorized TRICARE Reserve Select is: A premium-based plan Available worldwide For qualified Selected Reserve members and their families If purchased, TRICARE Reserve Select meets or exceeds the requirements for minimum essential coverageThe Affordable Care Act requires you to...